If you use Verizon Wireless 3G Network for your RTK or other Precision Farming operation, please read the letter below about important changes from Verizon.
Dear valued customer,
As you may know, the world of Precision Farming is an ever changing, and evolving market. As technology comes into the market some products become discontinued and replaced by newer technology. The team here at Apple Farm Service Inc. tries to support the older technology as long as we can, however, there are some aspects of all technology that are beyond our control.
This letter is to inform our customers that Verizon Wireless has moved up the date for taking their CDMA network offline. The CDMA network is the Verizon Wireless 3G Network. New CDMA modems can be activated onto the network until June 2018. Current modems will be supported on the network until December 2019. Verizon Wireless is no longer maintaining this network, so as transmitters and components fail, they will not be repairing them. Your CDMA coverage and reliability may start to decrease in the months to come.
Some of the equipment that you may have that is affected by this announcement includes: Ag Leader Paradyme CDMA, Ag Leader Geo Steer CDMA, Ag Leader 6500 Relay CDMA, Intuicom Bridge C CDMA, Intuicom Bridge M CDMA, DCM 300C Modem, and any other modem running on the Verizon Wireless 3G CDMA Network.
The team here at Apple Farm Service Inc. tries to be proactive, and not reactive to these situations. We want to relay this information to you, in hope that you have time to make the necessary arrangements to insure that your operation stays as efficient and productive as possible. The team at Apple Farm Service Inc. has solutions to transition your operation to the Verizon Wireless 4G network. The manufactures we work with have and/or plan to have trade in programs to help customers with this transition.
Please feel free to contact the team at Apple Farm Service Inc. to evaluate your situation and create a solution that fits your need.